Sunday, May 25, 2008

Garb Gauri Rudraksha Bead

Gauri Ganesha Rudraksha The Garb Gauri rudraksha bead is the smaller form of Gauri Shankar and symbolic of Goddess Parvati and son Ganesh. In Gauri Shankar rudraksha both the joined beads are of equal size but in Garbh Gauri one bead is smaller than the other. This bead imparts the wearer with immense powers of motherhood and is recommended for pregnant woman and those who suffer from miscarriages. This bead is also said to bring good and harmonious relationship between the mother and son. This rudraksha bead is also referred to as 'Gauri Ganesh rudraksha' or ‘Ganesh Gauri rudraksha’.

The mantra’s used for Garb Gauri rudraksha beads are 'Om namashivaya' , 'mahamrityunjaya mantra' and ‘Om Garbh Gauriye Namah’